Mysterious Cylinder-like Object Found on the Surface of Mars
Mars Exoarchaeology Report: #MIA046 "Container with Handle"
This object clearly stands out amongst the surrounding regular terrain of sand, small rocks and stones, due to its highly irregular vertical character. At this distance from the Curiosity Rover, maybe about 5-6 metres, there is not quite enough resolution in the image to be sure of the details, as degradation of the image begins to show after zooming in. However, the shadows that delineate its shape and striking mechanical appearance, presents a very unnatural-looking object indeed.

Potential for an Artificial Object
1. Displays symmetry and curvature consistent with a possibly cylindrical artefact.
2. Appears to have a handle at the top, displaying fairly distinct, parallel extensions as we would expect to see from a conventional handle.
3. A cylinder shape for the object is also suggested, which again runs more or less parallel from top to bottom as would be expected. At the foot of the object, there is a triangular patch too that is darker than the rest, which may suggest an opening.
4. At this junction there is also a suggestion that perhaps a "pipe" connects to the container, as we can see a straight line of material extending towards it. However, it may just as easily be merely an elongated patch of sand.
5. It is very near the "Dingo Gap" area where several other potential artefacts have been identified.